Superstring Theory is all musical metaphor.
Where linear space curves into mirrored symmetry.
The Universe is never closed. It's all open doors,
Where electrons spin and wait, some day to break free,
only to unite again in another's spin. Why?
What then? Perhaps a rebel photon will break out;
Be drawn into a not-so-black hole nearby;
Or just enter entropy and randomly move about.
Maybe just die without a whimper or a sigh.
No. Not die. Nothing dies. It would just change.
Or it might join all the neutrinos streaking by,
Where quarks are up, down and strange.
A mere atom is such a busy active place,
I am consoled when I gently touch my lovers face.
Books by the author:
Sundown at Dawn
SS Walther PP/PPK Identification & Documents
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